FICT is not just about participating in competitions, we also host (not one but) two of our own!
At FEP U.Porto ICC, FICT has the chance to welcome and compete against 11 teams from the best universities worldwide, and at FEP U.Porto NCC opens the doors to national teams from 10 Portuguese universities.
These are a joint organization between FICT and FEP, the first edition was in 2013, since then the competitions took place in 2016 (displayed in the gallery), and the last one was held virtually in November 2020 with the case being provided by Portuguese online retailer Dott.
See more about the previous competitions, the cases, how you can apply and compete, and case studies in general here!
FEP UPORTO National Case Competition 2022 is officially open for applications!
Teams of 4 students from a selected pool of Portuguese Universities are invited to provide innovative solutions for a real business problem. To ensure they are prepared for the challenge, this year’s NCC features multiple knowledge sessions with some of our top sponsors!
How to apply? Form a team of 4 Undergrad or Master students from the pool of invited schools and apply via email to or fill the registration form clicking here.
Don’t miss the opportunity to develop your problem solving and have your solutions pitched to a senior pool of business professionals from our sponsors and from other reputed Portuguese companies.